Girls Bedroom Makeover with a Pink Ceiling and Green Accents

I’m a little embarrassed to say that we’ve only lived in this home over two years and my daughters room has seen two total makeovers already. I’m sharing the finished bedroom makeover with a pink ceiling and green accents with you today. The previous look, vintage chic girls room makeover, was beautiful with wallpaper accents and two antique twin beds, but she still needed more space. That’s when we bit the bullet and purchased a bunk bed with storage. This began a whole new look for my daughters room that I’m about to show you!

Let’s look at what her room ‘used’ to look like. Well, this is what it looked like right after the first makeover.

vintage chic bedroom makeover one room challenge
vintage chic bedroom makeover one room challenge

I loved the look of the two twin beds. Those are antiques by the way! I think the wallpaper accent wall added just enough visual interest to make this room interesting without being too busy.

After living with this set up for over two years we decided we still needed more floor space and play space.

I’m going to keep it real and show you what this room looked like on a ‘normal’ basis.

This side of the room doesn’t look too bad. Then we turn the camera around…

My kids rooms are the only place they store toys. When they were young I could get away with small bin storage in other rooms. As they get older their toys get bigger! I had to do something about this.

The Pink Ceiling

It all started with the ceiling. When I took down the peel and stick wallpaper accent wall I knew I wanted to add another accent but this time with paint! Don’t ever forget about the fifth wall friends. I painted the ceiling pink with a color block design.

painted ceiling with color block design

I love how it adds just a hint of color without being too overwhelming.

Next we purchased the bunk beds.

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The White Bunk Beds with Storage

We chose this bunk bed set. I chose it mainly due to the fact that it had drawers on the side! More storage=huge win. Side note; this bunk bed has been discontinued since I wrote this post. There is, however, an almost identical bunk bed with storage here from Amazon.

white bunk beds in girls room

I did not buy new bedding. We’ve had this Beddy’s Zipper Bedding since I re did my daughters room the first time around and I do love them. By the way, zipper bedding is sooo much easier when you have bunk beds.

white bunk beds with pink zipper bedding

Pink and Green accents

Next I purchased those colorful curtains from Target! They are a sheer fabric so they don’t block any light, which is good in the is room with low ceilings.

girls bedroom with pink ceiling and white bunk beds

I got the rug from Lowe’s. It had the perfect amount of pink and green to match the beds and the curtains. Every room feels a little more cozy with a rug, right?

You see the storage bench on the right side? It’s had a few different looks. It used to be a gray color but I gave it a weathered wood look a few years ago. I’ve got a full video tutorial on how to create your own weathered wood look if you’re interested.

I added those pink collapsible storage bins to the storage bench. Like I said before, more storage = huge win.

pink storage bins in storage bench

As you swing around the room you will see my new pipe shelves from Furniture Pipeline. I love having a place to display a few pretty little things.

girls room with pink ceiling and green accents

Y’all remember that desk on the right side? Let me show you what it used to look like.

Vintage Chic Bedroom One Room Challenge

You know I had to give it a new look.

The green desk area

pipe shelves in girls room

I added a few (or 10) peel and stick wood planks and decided to paint the desk and wood planks an Ombre green color. What do you think? See more about this space and how to create your own Ombre paint effect.

green ombre desk area
green OMBRE desk with wall

I think this is my favorite DIY in my daughters room. This was a fun space to create. Of course I added some wall hanging storage baskets. See all the sources below.

I still haven’t done anything to the other side of this wall with the dresser. Remember it?

I’m thinking of painting the frame of the dresser green to match the desk area. Thoughts?

One of my favorite areas in her room is her reading nook in a closet.

closet turned reading nook
closet turned reading nook

Isn’t it cute? I can’t say it always looks this clean, but anything that encourages reading is a win in my book. LOL no pun intended.

There you have it; the full tour of my girls bedroom makeover with a pink ceiling and green accents.


Thanks for stopping by!


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