Hello and welcome. I’m Lindsey and I’m sure glad you stumbled upon my little space in the internet world.
A few things you should know about me
- I’m very much an introvert. While some people are energized by crowds, I am energized by solitude with the ability to create!
- I believe that old furniture that’s been tossed aside is a treasure that needs to be resurrected!
- This blog was started out of a NEED for a creative outlet during my days as a SAHM with two littles. It has transpired into a business since then.
- I believe that a home can be furnished, decorated and crafted with very little money. It just takes time, creativity and the willingness to try AND MESS UP!
- I do love to DIY and make furniture but I also love a good craft! Dollar store crafts are my jam.
- My style tends to migrated towards cottage style and transitional.
- If I can do it I promise you can too! I’m here to help.
Thanks for following along this crazy journey. I love to hear from my readers so please drop me a comment and let me know your thoughts!

For media kit and rate card please reach out via email to lindsey@repurposeandupcycle.com.