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Holiday Decor on a Budget with a Few Simple Ideas

It’s that time of year again! Can you believe it? I know I know it’s only September 1st. BUT, that means that Halloween is in sight, which then means that Thanksgiving is right around then corner and then comes the greatest holiday season of all; Christmas. Hooray for Pumpkin spice and cooler weather and lots and lots of food. Ok, I’ll settle down now I promise. Before we get too excited about all the fun holiday festivities I want to share a few ways to decorate your home for the holidays ON A BUDGET. Yep, that’s right. You CAN create holidays decor on a budget with little time and effort. Come let me share a few tips on how.

Holiday Decor on a Budget

Can I be honest? I’m a lazy decorator. I don’t like a lot of fuss and quite frankly I don’t have a lot of time OR money to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to look at heavily decorated homes and holiday shops but the thought of decorating my home like that makes me tired. Can you relate?

As a matter of fact a lot of folks only decorate for Christmas because it’s just too much darn trouble.

I’ve been there. I get it. I think I’ve finally got my decorating down to a science.

A few years ago I shared about how to decorate for FALL with little time, effort and money.

taking seconds to decorate for fall

Guess what? Three years later and I’m still using those same simple principals. This time around, I’m going to share my simple fall decor WITH a video.

If you’ve been around here a while you know my motto is; if I can do it, you can too. In other words, there isn’t any fancy holiday decor going on here!

Affordable holiday decor tips

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  1. Before hitting the holiday decor stores, shop your house! Do you have a theme or specific colors you want to use? Pull them out and see what you already have on hand.
  2. Do check out places like Target dollar spot, Dollar Stores and thrift stores too to add to your holiday collection.
  3. Make your own decor! You can create your own DIY sign with a piece of scrap wood and chalkboard paint. If you’re not much of a crafter, you can find loads of free holiday printables on Pinterest. You can see a few I created HERE.
  4. Use spray paint and be creative when it comes to up cycling pieces of decor that you like but the color might not be a fit.
  5. Keep it simple! Don’t let holiday decor become overwhelming. Start with a few simple tricks. You can see all about how to style shelves and a mantel HERE. If you need more tricks on how to decorate a mantel, come see my post HERE.
  6. HAVE FUN! Trust me, holiday decor can be stressful, but DON’T LET IT BE!

Let me show you my fall mantel from a few years ago. I used the same principals that I did today to create a lovely fall themed antique mantel.

tips on how to decorate a mantel for any season

Ready to see my first fall mantel in our Rustic beach cottage?

Holiday Decor on a Budget
Holiday Decor on a Budget
Holiday Decor on a Budget
Holiday Decor on a Budget
Holiday Decor on a Budget
Holiday Decor on a Budget

I love the pops of fall colors, don’t you?

I thought it might be helpful to see a few ways I’ve transformed decor with paint! Let me show you below.

How to Add Antique Gold Finish to Anything with Rub N’ Buff

How to add an antique gold finish with rub n buff

DIY hanging planters

DIY Hanging Planters with supplies from the dollar tree

I hope this post has helped give you ideas on how to create your own holiday decor on a budget.

holiday decor on a budget

Have a great day friends and happy holiday decorating!


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  1. Kippi says:

    Beautiful fall decor and home. I enjoyed the video and learned a lot too.
    Happy Fall!!!